SCA Configuration - Connect additional Datasource


This setting is for adding service urls of custom dataverse datasources e.g. Dynamics 365.

  • Name: SecContacts.ServiceUrls

  • Value: [{"name":"<service ID>", "value":"<service URL>"}]

The Value property is a JSON Array of name value pairs. You can add one or multiple service urls here.

Replace <service ID> with the service ID of a customs datasource

  • e.g. D365 or DVRS

Replace <service URL> with the url of a customs datasource

  • e.g.

Currently "Dynamics 365" (D365) as well as "Dataverse" (DVRS) 'SCA default Table 'sca_contact_tables' is supported.


This setting is for defining an AZURE Blob Storage as optional datasource for contacts.

With Azure Blob Storage in combination with the Provectus Azure Blob Storage Connector (link here) you can easily get contacts from any onPrem Application into the Secure Contacts App as long as the onPrem Application can export it's contacts into an *.csv or *.json file.

  • Name: SecContacts.AzureBlobStorage

  • Value: [{"name":"<abs name>", "value":"<abs access key>"}]

The Value property is a JSON Array of name value pairs. You can add one or multiple azure blob storages here.

Replace <abs name> with the unique name to identify the Azure Blob Storage

  • e.g. ABS1

Replace <abs access key> with the access key for a particular Azure Blob Storage. The access key needs to be generate for each Azure Blob Storage individually via the Provectus Azure Blob Storage Connector.

  • e.g. Xt8TVki4+ndWtqSVTAXTNr(...)0UFWNuDo2du3wZ5w92a7w==


This setting is for defining exchange online shared mailboxes as optional datasource for contacts.

  • Name: SecContacts.SharedMailboxContacts

  • Value: ["name":"<smc_name>", "value":"<smc_emailaddress>"}]

The Value property is a JSON Array of name value pairs. You can add one or multiple shared mailbox email addresses here.

Replace <smc_name> with the unique name to identify the shared mailbox

  • e.g. SCM1

Replace <smc_emailaddress> with the email address of a shared mailbox.

  • e.g.

If the SCA user is member of the shared mailbox configured here, then contacts stored in that shared mailbox will become available in SCA.

If the SCA user is NOT member of the shared mailbox configured here, then this setting is ignored by SCA and the user will not see any contacts stored in that shared mailbox.


Secure Contacts App has a default id and name for any datasource which is available in the App. e.g. AAD - AzureActiveDirectory

  • default datasource id's currently available: AAD, APC, D365, DVRS, ABS and SMC

With this setting you can change id and name of any datasource which is presented to the user.

  • Name: SecContacts.CustomDatasourceNames

  • Value: [{"defaultid":"<default id>", "customid":"<custom id>", "customname":"<custom name>"}]

The Value property is a JSON Array of defaultid customid customname trio. You can add one or multiple custom datasource names here.

Replace <default id> with the default datasource id you want to change

  • e.g. AAD

Replace <custom id> with your custom datasource id

  • e.g. CORP

Replace <custom name> with your custom datasource name

  • e.g. Corporate Directory

A resync as discribed here is mandatory after you have applied changes to SecContacts.CustomDatasourceNames.

Last updated