Deployment Android MDM - Managed Device

Implement SCA for your devices managed with Microsoft Endpoint Manager. Our App can be deployed automatically via Managed Google Play Store.

Deploy SCA as Managed Google Play Store App

SCA is available for Managed Google Play Store.

You can deploy SCA through Microsoft Intune to your Android Enterprise devices via Managed Google Play Store.

Managed Google Play, organizations can create and manage their own app catalog, set access controls and permissions, and enforce security policies for the apps they distribute.

Your third-party MDM solution, must have a Google Account to access the Managed Google Play console, in order to deploy SCA to your managed devices.

  1. On the list of apps pane, Secure Contacts appears as a Apple Volume Purchase Program (VPP) app, select the app

Hint: Alternatively use this link to go directly to Managed Google Play Console in Intune.

  1. Search for "Provectus Secure Contacts" in your Google Play Console.

  2. Click Approve.

  1. Click Approve, in order to accept app-permissions for SCA.

  1. Click on Done, to finish the setup the setup in Managed Google Play.

  1. Next step, you need to sync Managed Google Play: Select Tenant administration > Connectors and tokens > Managed Google Play.

  2. In the Managed Google Play pane, choose Sync. The page updates the time and status of the last sync.

  3. Change to Apps > Android

  4. On the list of apps pane, Secure Contacts appears as Managed Google Play store app, select the app.

  5. Choose Properties. Go to Assignments and click on Edit

  6. On the Assignments tab, choose whether the app will be Required or Available for enrolled devices

  7. Choose Add group under the assignment type you've selected and add your SCA test-group

  8. Click on Review + save and on the next pane Save

App Configuration Policy

It is mandatory to configure an App Configuration Policy for SCA to your managed devices

  1. Login to Endpoint Manager with your Admin-Account

  2. Go to Apps → App configuration policies or follow this link: App configuration policies - Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center

  3. Click on Add -> Managed devices

  4. Enter a Name for App configuration policy e.g. “Secure Contacts App Configuration Managed”

  5. Select as Plattform "Android Enterprise"

  6. Select as Profile Type the Profile for your testdevice e.g. "Fully Managed, Dedicated, and Corporate-Owned Work Profile Only"

  7. Select as Targeted app "Provectus Secure Contacts"

  1. Click on Next

  2. In the Settings pane, choose for Configuration settings format - Use configuration designer

  3. A full list of all configuration values can be found in the documentation: AppConfigurationPolicy Name-Values for SCA

  4. Click on Next

  5. Add group at Included groups in the Assignments-pane, choose your SCA test-group with Select.

  6. Click on Next after adding SCA test-group

  7. In the Review + create pane click on Create

Last updated